Hellevorth und Ghasele (-furt , -sele)

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 26.09.2008
Beiträge: 14

I hope you can understand English. I come from a town called Hellevorth and a neighbourhood called Ghasele in Holland at the Belgian border. Near Tilburg.

Tilburg developed from the year 709. From what time can Hellevorth and Ghasele be? Also from this time or earlier?

From what times are the -furt and -sele names in the South of Holland?


User offline. Last seen 1 year 33 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 31.12.2005
Beiträge: 4600

ilbjorno wrote:I hope you can understand English. I come from a town called Hellevorth and a neighbourhood called Ghasele in Holland at the Belgian border. Near Tilburg.

Tilburg developed from the year 709. From what time can Hellevorth and Ghasele be? Also from this time or earlier?

From what times are the -furt and -sele names in the South of Holland?



A WeBPage: De eerste bekende naam "Hellevorth" komt voor in een akte van 1192 waarbij door Heer Giselbert van Tilburg en zijn moeder Alaysa een deel van de ....................



Meaning: by mobile place of a river, river crossing in a flat (but not marshy) place of the waters.

Origin: of Middle High German vurt, late also f (central German "fort"=away) from Old High German ford, Germanic, furdu-,....................

See/to this reads: (in German!)


Or: Oliverus, pastoor van Oosttilburg oorkondt dat de kapel van Hellevorth is........................


Ghasele or. -sele: I can inform you about nothing.

Mentions besides at:

The Ghasel or Ghasele............... is a song form which has arisen in the south Asian room between India and Persia in the 8th century. Since the 19th century it also has been used as a rhyme scheme in the German-speaking lyric poetry.

(Source: Wiki)
