familienname ZAKREWSKI

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Beigetreten: 29.01.2006
Beiträge: 1829

auch ein polnischer Name: Zakrzowski.


User offline. Last seen 11 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 30.01.2006
Beiträge: 1553


bei polishroots fand ich daß:

This is a very common name in Poland, as of 1990 there were 26,210 Poles named Zakrzewski, living all over the country. In Polish it is pronounced roughly "zok-SHEF-skee," and it comes from the roots za-, "past, beyond, on the other side of," + krzew, "bush." So you could interpret it as "the one who lived past the bushes," but in practice it usually refers to a specific village or town named Zakrzew or Zakrzewo, which, in turn, got those names because they were located in a bushy area. The problem is, there's a whole bunch of those, all over Poland -- way too many to allow us to point at any one and say "That's where you came from."

Dinomaus28 :roll: