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weis vielleicht jemand, was der Name Brozio bedeutet?
Ich wäre über jede Hilfe dankbar...

User offline. Last seen 1 year 47 weeks ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 31.12.2005
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A.B. wrote:Hallo,
weis vielleicht jemand, was der Name Brozio bedeutet?
Ich wäre über jede Hilfe dankbar...


Es dürfte sich um eine Form von Ambrosius handeln So wie:

Brose, Brösick, Bröse(c)ke, Braske, Broschek, Brosig, Broschek, Brosius, Brosig, Brozek, Broscheit, Prosch(ke), Proske, Bross, Brösel, Bros, Broseke, Bros(en)ius, Brossmann, Prosi, Bräske, Bruse, Brosk(o), Bruis, Brozik, Brotzke, Broske, Brösing.

Siehe/lese dazu auch:

Die andere Möglichkeit ist, dass "Brozio" vielleicht ein...... für einen bestimmten Zweig Brzoska............Nun, Brzoska und Varianten (Brozek, Brozyna, etc.) waren ein.......Verbunden mit der Familie und vor allem nicht mit dem Erbe der Familie. -..........Ergeben sich aus einem Namen wie Dobroslaw..............(Kurzform: Broslaw, auch Broszek und ähnliche), Sbroslaw,............Ambrosius / Ambrozy oder einen anderen Namen...........
have the impression, ... much than 1642) there appeared the form Brozio, Brosio, which is in lithuanian.............

Oder: Kopie aus Lit. Fam. Nam.:

Brazius - "Brazius is a very rare name in Lithuania, only two were found circa 1985. Brazius should be compared to similarities and differences to the Lithuania Brazys. Brazys is a patronymic from the Lithuanian surname Brazas ; and Vanagas proposes a link to Polish personal names Brozik, Brozek. Brozik, Brozek are equivalents of the Polisah first name Ambrozy. Ambrose is the English equivalent of Ambrozy."
Zitat/Quelle: Charles J. Emaitis, Decatur, IL.

Brozáitis - "Sometimes you find names that come from completely different roots than what might be expected prior to any research; such is the case with Brozáitis. If you search various etymological references you will find cases where Lithuanian surnames were translated into German or vice versa (in my opinion the lingua franca was from German to Lithuanian), ie, Brozeit is a Germanized form of the Lithuanian surname Brozáitis. The translation is not always exact, but there is a clear link in meaning to the masculine given name AMBROSE which means ‘immortal’ from the Latin Ambrosius, which comes from Greek ambrosios [DP Simpson, MA, Cassell’s New Latin Dictionary , Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York, 1960]. Brozáitis is patronymic from a hereditary relationship to a family member whose name was Ambrozas, a Lithuanian form of Ambrose. [u]Brosius and Brose are German forms of Ambrosius. Brozaitis is nearly extinct in Lithuania - - only three families with this surname were living in Lithuania in 1985. Lithuanian surname cognates: Brozys, Brozas, Brozinskas, Brozis, and Brozukas [Vanagas, op . cit ., 1985]." Brozáitis - "Sometimes you[/u]Brozáitis - "Sometimes you find names that come from completely different roots than what might be expected prior to any research; such is the case with Brozáitis. If you search various etymological references you will find cases where Lithuanian surnames were translated into German or vice versa (in my opinion the lingua franca was from German to Lithuanian), ie, Brozeit is a Germanized form of the Lithuanian surname Brozáitis. The translation is not always exact, but there is a clear link in meaning to the masculine given name AMBROSE which means ‘immortal’ from the Latin Ambrosius, which comes from Greek ambrosios [DP Simpson, MA, Cassell’s New Latin Dictionary , Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York, 1960]. Brozáitis is patronymic from a hereditary relationship to a family member whose name was Ambrozas, a Lithuanian form of Ambrose. Brosius and Brose are German forms of Ambrosius. Brozaitis is nearly extinct in Lithuania - - only three families with this surname were living in Lithuania in 1985. Lithuanian surname cognates: Brozys, Brozas, Brozinskas, Brozis, and Brozukas [Vanagas, op . cit ., 1985]."
Zitat/Quelle: Charles J. Emaitis, Decatur, IL.

User offline. Last seen 11 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Bei familysearch taucht der Name sehr häufig in Ostpreußen auf.
Lt. lit. Wörterbuch (Kurschat) ist BROZIO ein lit. Familienname, der sich von brožis = brosas = Liebhaber, Freier ableitet.


User offline. Last seen 17 years 1 Tag ago. Offline
Beigetreten: 28.03.2008
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Danke für die Hilfe...

Beigetreten: 29.01.2006
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die Endung -io ist eine der typisch prußischen.
Der Name dürfte sich eher auf prußisch "brozis" (Vetter) beziehen und auf eine Teilhaberschaft deuten, d.h. gemeinsame Bewirtschaftung eines landwirtschaftlichen Betriebes. (litauisch brožis)


User offline. Last seen 12 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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User offline. Last seen 1 year 47 weeks ago. Offline
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A.B. wrote:Hallo,
weis vielleicht jemand, was der Name Brozio bedeutet?
Ich wäre über jede Hilfe dankbar...


Der Name kann auch ital. Herkunft sein. Brosio ist die/eine ital. Form von Ambrosius. Broz(z)io ist auch eine ital. Form von Ambrosius.

In der CH sind noch folgenden Formen/Ableitung des Ruf- und Fam. Nam. Ambrosius belegt: Brosi, Bruosin, Brossy, Deambrosius, Broggi, del Ambrosius usw.

Im ital. Fam. Nam. Buch finden sich folgenden Formen: Brogi, Brogini, Brogio, Brosio, Brozio.

Einträge bei F.S.: De Brosio: ab 1582 of Cinaglio,Asti,Italy. Brosio: ab: 1623 Valchiusella, Torino, Italy. Brozzi: 1880 Roma, Roma, Italy.

Weitere Formen/Einträge:

Brosz: 1808 Koenigsberg Stadt, Ostpreussen, Preussen. Bros: 1665 Of, Koenigsberg Stadt, Ostpreussen, Preussen. Pross: 1578 Spielberg, Schwarzwaldkreis, Wuerttemberg. Brozio: 1736 Opaka, Lubaczow, Rzeszowskiego, Poland.